Speed and


In order to overcome any time barrier, Madison Title Agency has established support facilities in various locations. Work continues through the night so that clients wake up to a completed job. This gives Madison Title the scalability and flexibility to handle any volume of work.

For example, handling one of the largest non-casino transactions in the history of the U.S. -- the sales of the $8 Billion Extended Stay Hotels chain-- demonstrates Madison Title’s scalability and flexibility to handle large volume in short period of time. Whereas this type of transaction might typically be split among several title companies and underwriters, Madison Title was able to perform it all in-house.

Madison Title provided all the title work for over 680 hotel sites in 46 states insured at over $8 Billion in 45 days.

Madison Title is able to handle any volume of work, in part, because it has the fastest turnaround times in the industry. With staff working around-the-clock in different locations, Madison Title is able to meet deadlines… even the tightest deadlines. Even with the exacting timeframes, Madison Title is able to quickly resolve from the simplest to the most complex title issues to the satisfaction of all parties.   Next

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