Residential Title

The Residential Real Estate Department at Madison Title Agency takes the stress off the closing table. Purchasing a new home can be an emotionally charged moment, full of anticipation, excitement, and definite stress about timing. There are many parties involved in a residential real estate transaction: attorneys, lenders, and home buyers. They are all eager to close in a timely and efficient manner.

Madison Title Agency can ensure a smooth and well-timed closing by processing the title insurance and closing documents correctly and as quickly as possible. Madison's residential experts work closely with their clients to answer all questions and walk them through the complex closing process. With the assistance of Madison Title Agency’s Residential Real Estate Department, last-minute surprises at closing are avoided.

Homebuyer Assistance
Madison is a homebuyer’s ally, regardless of the need...
  • A quick closing
  • A closing in your home
  • A closing on the road
  • An explanation of the types of title policies
  • A breakdown of fees
  • An understanding of policy exceptions, or
  • A friendly explanation of the closing process.

Madison’s goal is to make this transaction as easy as possible—whether our client is buying their first starter home, or refinancing an existing mortgage.